日本財団 図書館


diseases. Can the 21st century deal with many more diseases like AIDS, which may he resistant to all available remedies?
In the area of disarmament and arms control, the late 20th century has seen major achievements in the control of nuclear weapons, thanks to the relaxation of tension between the two dominant blocs and the subsequent end of the Cold War. The conclusion of the Chemical Weapons Convention and the agreed strengthening of the Biological Weapons Convention are both memorable milestones towards the control of mass destruction weapons. The much feared proliferation of nuclear weapons has fortunately been slower than anticipated by the pessimists of 40 or 50 years ago. There are, as you know, five declared nuclear powers-the U.S., Russia, the U.K., France and China-and there are also three additional undeclared nuclear capable powers-India, Pakistan and Israel. Is the world capable of suppressing the seemingly limitless drive for power, supremacy and national glory? At least, efforts have to be exerted to resist adventurous drives of reckless countries, while assuring the legitimate sense of security of states vis-a-vis their neighbouring countries.
The threat to peace comes not only from the weapons of mass production but also from small arms as well. Small arms have been released in great numbers after the end of the Cold War. They exist in great abundance and very cheaply, it is estimated that AK47 and similar arms number over 100 million, often in the hands of child soldiers and milicias in their teems. This is one of the elements in the instability prevalent in many african states. Furthermore, 10 to 20 countries including Cambodia, Mozambique, Angola, Namibia, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Croatia, to name just a few. are heavily mined. More than 110 million land mines exist all over the world;they increase at the rate of 2 to 3 millions every year. If we are not able to cope with this overwhelming pollution of the earth by these weapons which are extremely difficult to detect and destroy, the post-conflict peace-building will be extremely bleak in the countries I have enumerated.
The world is also confronted with the constant danger of terrorism. As opportunity for better life and conspicuous consumption improves, there is a proportionate increase in thefrustration of people who are not able to enjoy the fruits of better life. Rapid social change produces uprooted, disgruntled or disaffected people with deep-seated grievances towards established social order. These circumstances constitute a fertile soil for extremism, fanaticism and terrorism, A rapid transformation of society tends to produce cultural and political vacuum which is often filled by false gods and plausible ideology. In this situation, the hard-working middle class, which is the stabilizar of only modern society, is likely





